What To Do After a Fire

Fire Damage – Whatever sits in their path, fires will damage it. From repairing structural damage to contents cleaning, our Paul Davis can provide all the fire damage cleanup services you need. Typically, fire damage is accompanied by water used by firefighting crews. We will also clean this water up and treat those rooms for mold. We aim to get any property back to normal quickly after fire damage.Smoke Damage – While most people are familiar with what the flames can do in a fire, it's not the only type of damage associated with a fire. Smoke damage can appear just about anywhere-even in places that didn't burn. We'll determine where smoke damage is present, eliminate odors, and purify the air. If your house has been damaged by smoke, the most important choice you can make is trusting the team at Paul Davis Restoration.What You'll Receive at Paul Davis Our team is dedicated to helping you restore your home from the fire and smoke damage you've dealt with. All of our team members are trained to provide high-quality, professional service whenever we respond to a call. Please call us today to learn more about fire restoration and clean up Sioux City IA and how we can help you put your life back together after a devastating house fire.fire restoration and clean up Sioux City IA